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Downtown Petoskey

Downtown Petoskey is one of the most treasured downtowns in the United States. Nestled on the shores of Little Traverse Bay on Lake Michigan, residents and tourists alike enjoy over 170 unique shops and fine restaurants in the famous Gaslight Shopping District. The downtown area of Petoskey, Michigan serves as a hub for resorters from Bay Harbor, Bay View, Harbor Springs, Walloon Lake, and the surrounding Emmet County region. 


The town boasts multiple blocks of high-quality storefronts and mixed-use buildings all within a walkable context.  These core blocks and their related storefronts provide textbook examples of the proper use and arrangement of urban frontages.   These frontages are accentuated with many pedestrian-scaled details including projecting signs, lighting, awnings, tree canopy, and high-quality building materials that all contribute to making the pedestrian experience joyful and the urban retail viable.


Tree canopy, an often neglected element of downtowns, provides shade and protection from the natural elements, narrows the perceived width of the street, and helps to accentuate the outdoor room by providing a "ceiling" with its canopy.  Street trees also have been proven to increase retail spending in downtowns.

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